Epilogue of Tutorial 1

1. Party epitome

Our 1st evening tea party is taken on 7:00 PM September 29. To me, it is a very lovely night, since everyone enjoys the atmosphere of chatting with nearby, white-board discussion and pizza-right-fruit-left. What a pity that we haven’t taken any (wtf!? My fault…) photos as a “serious” proof of the statement in the previous sentence (are you kidding me?!). Ah hah! Let us enjoys the beautiful cartoon images of three of our speakers.

During the first part of our party, Shucun (恕存) talked about his understanding of the god-damn Lagrange multiplier method of prove the MLE of count-based n-gram language models. He use a very “nice” example: “A dog a dog” to demonstrate the following formula. He is really brilliant!

\[\log P(s) = \sum_{\forall w_i, w_j \in \mathcal{V}} Count(w_i, w_j \vert w_i, w_j \in s) \cdot \log P(w_j \vert w_i)\]

The above picture is Shucun as a instructor talking to us all. He appears to be a very mature gentleman hah and tries to convince us with big words!

The second part of our party belongs to Hangbo (航波), who is good at programming and has strong computational thought. Look at him in the following image. You may say, “Wait a minute? Where on earth is him?” Don’t worry, he has become the flow plot which can represents his mission on getting program neat, clear and high-speed! [\Facepalm]

The last part of our party is the most excited time. Our Heng (阿恒) organized some issues and questions for us to discuss over the paper “Two decades […]”, which is a very well-written survey in 2000 on different aspects and promising directions of statistical language modeling. Heng talked on many topics, like the his understanding of learning linguistic structures and facilitate latent variables under the surface to help improve the predictive power of language modeling. He also talked about domain adaptation of LM and gave us two commonly used tricks to do transfer learning, bravo!

Find him in the above picture. Wow! It is amazing that he has contributed that early in the field and become one of the 3-big heads of SLM! Congratulations to him.

2. After-party chat about pros & cons

[TO-DO] This part have not yet been organized to be posted. Waiting for interviewing everyone.


A.1. Topics

The following table summarize some topics our members are trying to work or working on. Find your mates and discuss with him about your topics.

Name Topics you have to work on Topics you like
马晶义 University Admission Chatbot QA, Dialogue
吴焕钦 NMT, QE for MT NMT
田恕存 Text classification Domain Adaptation
龚恒 Text Generation Seq2seq Model
陈双 Text Generation Seq2seq Model
胡东瑶 NLP for law big data (Entity recognition, text classification, etc) Embeddings, seq2seq
赵笑天 History Knowledge Based Chatbot QA
白雪峰 Cross-lingual word representation, GAN NMT
李冠林 NMT, Discourse Relation Classification Interactive, Representation Learning, Causal Reasoning and Deep Generative models
王贺伟 Text Classification QA
张冠华 None Machine Learning in General
杨奭喆 None NMT
鲍航波 None Text Generation
赵晓妮 Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis
王瑛瑶 None NER and relationship extraction of biomedical text
邓俊锋 None Statistical Learning
唐成达 None RNN
张丽媛 None NLP in General

A.2. Real images