Selected main references for each topics



This is an on-going list of essential paper based on coarse-grained topics. Note that, the following papers are not about a complete collection of all the related papers in the following main conferences (ACL, NIPS, ICML, ICLR, EMNLP, EACL, COLING), the criterion with which I select papers is to sieve less motivative and experimentally-weak papers and recommend those that are seminal, of high-quality, or at least well-written-for-understanding ones.

However, in terms of a general review of current trend, I list all the papers from 2017 conferences and mark the good ones with a start symbol (*). For papers before 2017, I just select according to the above standard.

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

1. Word2vec and Semantic Unit Representation

2. Attention Mechanism

3. Memory Networks

4. Gating Mechanism


Topic models


1. Latent Semantic Analysis

2. Latent Dirichlet Allocation

3. Sampling-based Learning/Inference

4. Variational Methods

Sentiment Analysis

Knowledge Graph, Relation Extraction


Text Generation, Neural Machine Translation


Representation Learning and Domain Adaptation


QA-based Dialogue/Dialogue-based QA