Amazon code interview review

The review philosophy is fast + slow review, just like fast/slow change of memory in brain:

Two adjacent days for reviewing the same topics twice.

Day 1

Jan. 16-17

  • atoi implementation: ord is to look-up a char’s ordinary number in the ASCII code
  • max_int = 2 ** 31 - 1, and min_in = - 2 ** 32: 2147483647, and -2147483648
  • Make sure the usage of variables are consistent.

Day 4

Jan. 24 (trip to CD, with virus spreadout)

Longest consecutive sequence

Given an array, find the longest consecutive sequence’s length.

Use hash_map to store the array’s elements, with O(1) access time.

  • The second solution is not understood, using union and find functions of the map class.

Two sum

Given any unordered array, and a target sum, find the two indexes that represent the numbers’ sum equaling to the target sum.

Use hass_map instead of sorting, to get O(1) complexity. 左右夹逼

# Given a target t and a sorted array nums, complexity is O(n)
res = []
i = 0
j = len(nums) - 1
while i < j:
  if nums[i] + nums[j] < t:
    i += 1
  elif nums[i] + nums[j] > t:
    j -= 1
    res.append((i, j))
  • Related questions
    • Three sum, Three sum closest, 4sum (pre-calc two numbers sums)

Remove element

Given an array, and a number t, remove all occurrences of t.

Use two pointers i and j: i to incrementally adding elements not equal t, and j for traverse the array.

Plus one

Given a number represented as an array of digits, plus one to the number.

Climbing stairs

How many ways to climb to the n-th stair, if 1 or 2 for each step.

Fibinnaci array.

Single number series

Linked list

Python linked list.

# Node class
class Node:
  def __init__(self, x):
    self.val = x = None

# Linked List: maintain a head pointer which has None as self.val
llist = Node(None)

Double pointer method

Fast pointer and slow pointer. Slow pointer moves 1 step while fast pointer moves k steps. E.g to find the middle point of a linked list, set k to 2, while the fast pointer reaches the end, the slow pointer reaches the 1/2 of the linked list.

Sort list

Sort a linked list in O(nlogn) time using constant space complexity.

Python Data Structure

Using list as stack (last in first out or LIFO), i.e. using the pop() method.

stack = [3, 4, 5]
# [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
# [3, 4, 5, 6]
# [3, 4, 5]

Using list as queue (first in first out or FIFO).

“lists are not efficient for FIFO, while appends and pops from end of list are fast, doing inserts or pops from the beginning of a list is slow (because all of the other elements have to be shifted by one)”.

Therefore, recommend using collections.deque, which is designed to have fast appends and pops from both ends.

from collections import deque
a_list = ['Eric', 'John', 'Michael']
queue = deque(a_list)
# 'Eric'
# 'John'
# ['Michael', 'Terry', 'Graham']

Day 5

Today’s topic is binary tree. The python data structure of binary tree is:

class TreeNode:
  def __init__(self, x):
    self.val = x
    self.left = None
    self.right = None

How to traverse a binary tree?

  • Deep-First traverse
    • Root-first: equals to binary-tree pre-order traverse (先序遍历)
    • Root-last: equals to binary-tree in-order traverse (中序遍历)
  • Breath-First traverse

  • 前序遍历:根节点-左子树-右子树

  • 中序遍历:左子树-根节点-右子树

  • 后序遍历:左子树-右子树-根节点


Binary tree preorder traversal.

# using stack time O(n), space O(n)
result = []
stack = []

if root != None:

while len(stack) != 0:
  node = stack.pop()
  # right first in stack, then left in stack
  if node.right != None:
  if node.left != None:

return result
# Morris time O(n), space O(1)
result = []
cur = root
prev = None

while cur != None:
  if cur.left != None:

Binary tree inorder traversal.

# recursive solution
def visit(root, result):
  if root.left:
    visit(root.left, result)
  if root.right:
    visit(root.right, result)
# stack
result = []
stack = []
p = root
while len(stack) != 0 or p != None:
  if p:
    p = p.left
    p = stack.pop()

Day 6

Today’s topic is sorting algorithms.

Basic sorting algorithms:

  1. Selection sort

    # Insertion sort
  2. Bubble sort

    # Bubble sort
    def bubble_sort(nums):
      for i in range(len(nums) - 2, 0):
        for j in range(0, i):
          if nums[j] > nums[j + 1]:
            c = nums[j + 1]
            nums[j + 1] = nums[j]
            nums[j] = c
  3. Insertion sort

Advanced sorting algorithms:

  1. Merge sort
  2. Quick sort
  3. Heap sort
  4. Bucket sort